Tuesday / April 18, 2017 / 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

e pluribus unum – the need for an architectural revolution

AIA Chicago, 35 East Wacker Drive, #250

We’re going to the AIA conference in Orlando this month, and we’re taking Architects Advocate with us.

We’ll tell you more at this meeting. Tom Jacobs, AIA, principal of Krueck + Sexton Architects and founder of Architects Advocate, will explain the purpose of the organization and why you should join over 700 firms and individual in signing on.

In light of the environmental, technological, economic, and political challenges we are facing today, the architectural profession must face the reality that it lacks sufficient collective influence in the prudent shaping of the world of tomorrow at the speed and scale required. Structured along different scales of influence – S, M, L, XL – the talk investigates pressing questions associated with climate change, the architectural profession, architectural firms, and architects as individuals, and offers specific ideas on ways to respond to these challenges. Taken together, the potential power of these actions is illustrated by Architects Advocate for Action on Climate Change, a onpartisan grassroots network that has the potential to become a pillar of the needed architectural revolution.

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