Thursday / April 19, 2018 / 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Rethinking the Future of Planned Manufacturing Districts
AIA Chicago, 35 East Wacker Drive, #250
SCB has prepared a multi-phased redevelopment master plan for the new “River District,” a 30-acre transformational district between Chicago Avenue and Grand Avenue along the Chicago River, for client Tribune Real Estate Holdings. Drawing from the best thinking and practices in urban planning and sustainable development, the River District is envisioned as an innovation and technology hub in the heart of city’s “Tech Triangle” emerging along the north branch of the river, reaffirming Chicago as among the most innovative cities in the world. This new mixed-use neighborhood will extend Chicago’s downtown district to establish a seamless connection between The Loop, River North, Fulton Market, and River West.
The City of Chicago, like many US cities, has re-evaluated their industrial zoned property for what is the highest and best use for today’s needs and have changed redevelopment policy in those protected zones. The City recently rezoned the North Branch of Chicago River Planned Manufacturing District (PMD) to allow and encourage underutilized industrial property to redevelop into a wider mix of land uses and densities.
Christine Carlyle, AIA, AICP, Principal, and Teresa Fourcher, AIA, LEED Associate, both from SCB, will highlight the North Branch’s history and provide insights into the future of this significant river corridor, along with anticipated impacts of this next wave of urban development.
Bring your lunch; beverages provided.
Photo by CoStar Group