Tuesday / April 18, 2017 / 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

The Built Environment - Integrated Wind Power

HOK, 60 East Van Buren Street, 14th Floor, Chicago IL

A joint discussion with Farid Pour, PhD, HOK Chicago and Matthew Herman, Buro Happold Engineering Chicago, who will present a case study of the Method factory in the Pullman community which has a 230-foot, 600 kW wind turbine generating half the factory's annual eneergy needs. They will discuss the City of Chicago green permit program and the client's LEED motivation.

They will then discuss Dr. Pour's research on building-integrated wind turbines for tall buildings. Farid joined HOK Chicago’s sustainable consulting practice in 2010 and is a part-time professor at IIT where he received his PhD in Architecture, focusing on building-integrated wind turbines in tall office buildings. He created the “HOK Sustainable Analysis Tool” that automates energy benchmarking and climate analysis, and provides architectural strategies during the early design phase.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Challenges to incorporating renewable energy systems within the built environment.
  2. Application of the recent building analysis techniques to inform the architectural design process.
  3. Understanding of the interdependence of design, location, weather, and scientific factors in the wind power production in a projects over its life span.
  4. The significance of the design tools programming to inform the design process
  5. The application and processing of historical weather data.
  6. What is the aerodynamic effect of tall building geometries on their surrounding air flows?

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