ARE Online Test Prep


AIA Chicago has been helping architects prepare to pass the Architecture Registration Exam for decades. Now, AIA Chicago and multimedia firm Black Spectacles have come together to build an online curriculum designed to help you pass the Architecture Registration Exam.

Over 40 hours of exam prep material is now available, hosted by longtime ARE @ AIA course teacher Mike Newman.


These videos tutorials are available with a new membership direct from Black Spectacles. Study for the ARE on your own schedule, with the confidence that you are learning from the best.

Sign up for the Black Spectacles ARE Tutorial Membership now.

Also, as a supplement to the online ARE curriculum, AIA Chicago and the Young Architects Forum are partnering with Black Spectacles to host free ARE webinars every other month.  In each webinar, we'll focus on a different section of the ARE. Registrants will receive questions and/or problems before the webinar, and will have the opportunity to have their solutions reviewed by Mike during the session.  

For more information on the webinars, click here.