Tuesday / December 03, 2019 / 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
AIA Chicago Annual Meeting & Holiday Party 2019
Chicago Cultural Center, 78 East Washington Street, Chicago
Join your colleagues in the architecture & design community at the Annual Meeting & Holiday Party. We will welcome our newly elected 2020 Board of Directors, honor 25-year and 50-year members, and recognize newly licensed architects. Event highlights include presentation of the Chicago Awards in Architecture (student projects), Distinguished Service Awards, and our two Professional Excellence Awards: Firm of the Year and Dubin Family Young Architect.
5:00pm: Program and awards
6:00pm: Bars open and reception begins
Members: use coupon code 150member
25-year and 50-year members, newly licensed members, and student members: use the codes that were sent to you by email or contact klarsen@aiachicago.org for the appropriate code.
>>> Buy your ticket before December 3: prices at the door will be $75 for members and $100 for non-members.
Interested in being a sponsor of this event? Contact Debora Donato at ddonato@aiachicago.org or 312/374-1726.
Environmental Design International
Gage Consulting Engineers
Hoerr Schaudt Landscape Architects
Hunter Douglas Architectural
Ice Miller LLP
Moody Nolan
The Concord Group
(Photos of 2018 Annual Meeting & Holiday Party)