Monday / November 07, 2016 / 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Forest Preserves of Cook County Workshop
AIA Chicago, 35 East Wacker Drive, #250
How well do you know the Cook County Forest Preserves? With nearly 80,000 acres of land, the Preserves are truly a great environmental, recreational and educational resource for our region. This event will provide an overview of the Forest Preserves history and resources, and an opportunity through a workshop session (mini-charrette) to provide conceptual ideas to assist CCFP in the implementation of several mini-projects stemming from the Forest Preserves' The Next Century Conservation Plan.
The workshop session will explore five topics:
-- gateway site enhancements that could be funded by corporate sponsorship.
-- aquatic center nature art or signs that could be funded by corporate sponsorship.
-- nature center wayfinding and sign enhancements.
-- travelling exhibit about the forest preserves for display at major tourism destinations.
-- DYI boardwalks to improve access for stewards of marshy forest preserves.
-- Arnold Randall, General Superintendent of the Forest Preserves of Cook County
-- Edward Torrez, AIA, LEED AP, Bauer Latoza Studio
-- Terry Guen, FASLA, Terry Guen Design Associates
-- APA-IL Representative
3:00pm presentation
3:30 to 5:30pm small group breakouts
5:30pm group reporting
Limited to 40 participants. Refreshments courtesy Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture.