Friday / November 04, 2016 / 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Fundamentals of Construction Law: Learning from the Pros
American Bar Association National Headquarters, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago
On November 4, the ABA Forum on Construction Law will present, in four cities across the country, "Fundamentals of Construction Law." The concepts covered apply to projects ranging from a single building to complex infrastructure improvements.
Taught by leading construction lawyers in each locale, this program presents a unique opportunity for new construction lawyers or experienced lawyers who occasionally practice construction law as well as non-lawyer and construction professionals to learn the essentials from those who practice it daily at its highest levels. The program concisely covers the gamut of construction issues including the roles of the key participants in a project, the structure of project delivery systems, the bidding and construction process, insurance and bonding, government construction contracts, and dispute resolution. This affordable, conveniently-located program provides an excellent way for firms and companies of all sizes to provide an exceptional training opportunity to their lawyers and construction professionals.
Tuition includes the Fundamentals of Construction Law (2nd Ed.) book and lunch.
Schedule: registration at 8:00 – 8:30am, opening remarks 8:30 -8:40am, class begins at 8:40am.
AIA member discount price is $350 with promotion code FCLAIA.