Thursday / February 22, 2018 / 7:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Opening the Black Box of Building Performance Simulation and Building Enclosure
Maggiano's, 516 North Clark Street (use entrance on Grand Avenue), Chicago
You are invited to attend CSI Chicago's 15th Annual Building Enclosure Event.
The building industry is undergoing profound change with amazing new technologies and systems available to make our buildings better—more sustainable, resilient and energy-efficient. Over the last 50 years, building simulation has evolved into a powerful tool for evaluating the energy performance of potential or existing buildings. Building simulation allows easy comparison of the energy and environmental performance of many hundreds of building envelope and other building systems. The buildings touted today as net-zero-energy or sustainable would not be possible without energy simulation—but no single simulation tool can model all aspects of our buildings today.
This presentation provides an overview of trends and drivers affecting building enclosure and the building industry as well as an overview of building performance simulation fundamentals and history, Building Information Modeling (BIM), what’s in the black box of key simulation programs, comparing underlying simulation methods, and how these can be used to design better building envelopes.
Speaker: Drury B. Crawley, Ph.D., FASHRAE, BEMP, FIBPSA, AIA | Bentley Fellow and Director, Building Performance at Bentley Systems, Inc.
Morning Session:
- 7:15-7:45 am Registration/breakfast buffet;
- 7:45-10:30 am Program
Lunch Session:
- 11:15 am Registration
- 11:45 am-12:15 pm Lunch
- 12:15-3:00 pm Program
Cost for one session:
- CSI Chicago and Industry Partners/Members $40
- Non-members $48
Breakfast and lunch sessions will be similar presentations.
2 LU/HSW by AIA/CES and 2 CE by GBCI