Wednesday / September 28, 2016 / 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Sustainable Development in Chicago: Policy Update
AIA Chicago, 35 East Wacker Drive, #250
The City of Chicago will be announcing an updated Sustainable Development Policy in September. First implemented in 2004, the policy has resulted in Chicago being a leader in the green roof movement and square footage of LEED certified buildings. The updated policy will:
-- reflect changes in market developments since 2004
-- increase flexibility in meeting the City’s sustainable requirements
-- account for individual development context (type, location, etc)
-- create both environmental and economic value in developments
-- enable the policy impact and outcome tracking
Michael Berkshire from the Sustainable Development Division of the Chicago Department of Planning and Development will present the new policy, essential to anyone designing in the city.
DPD's Sustainable Development Division is responsible for creating and expanding public open space systems and developing policies and programs to advance the sustainability of the City's buildings, businesses and urban form. Long-term initiatives include waterfront access improvements, the expansion of natural habitats, improvements to the environmental performance of development sites, and the promotion of urban agriculture and other aspects of the local food system.