Tuesday / February 25, 2020 / 6:15 PM - 7:15 PM
“The 20th-Century Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright” on the World Heritage List
The Cliff Dwellers, 200 South Michigan Avenue, 22nd floor, Chicago
Phyllis Ellin and Barbara Gordon will describe the lengthy effort that finally resulted in the inclusion of eight works by Frank Lloyd Wright on the UNESCO World Heritage List last year. They will discuss what this listing - the only one for American modern architecture - means, and will explain the basis for selecting the eight buildings and the specific justification that was needed to place the works in a global context to meet the World Heritage criteria.
- Phyllis Ellin is a contract historian and architectural historian for the U.S. National Park Service’s Office of International Affairs, focused on the World Heritage program. She has guided preparation of several U.S. nominations and has served on U.S. delegations to the UNESCO World Heritage Committee since 2008. Prior to her retirement from NPS, she worked on a variety of history and partnership projects, and was Executive Director of the federal commission for the Illinois & Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor. She served on the Commission on Chicago Landmarks from 2001 to 2011.
- Barbara Gordon is the Executive Director of the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, the only organization dedicated to facilitating the preservation and stewardship of the remaining built works designed by Frank Lloyd Wright through advocacy, education and technical services. The Conservancy was responsible for the coordination of the nomination of eight Frank Lloyd Wright buildings to the World Heritage list. A resident of Oak Park, Gordon was employed from 1994 to 2015 by the Chicago Architecture Foundation, her last position as Vice President of Program Operations.
- Cocktails: Cash bar opens at 4:30 pm
- Free Program: Begins at 6:15 pm
- Dinner: Available after the program, a la carte. Guests pay for themselves; club members charge to their house account.
After the program, a $35 buffet will be available, subject to the number of reservations. Otherwise, the regular a la carte menu will be served. Reservations at reservations@cliff-chicago.org or call 312-922-8080. Discount parking is available after 4:00 pm at the garage located at 17 East Adams Street (enter on Adams between Wabash and State). Ask for a discount coupon at the club.