Wednesday / May 27, 2020 / 1:00 PM - 2:15 PM

The Resilience Factor: Commercial Interiors, Climate Change, and Occupant Well-being


Every project, no matter the scale and scope, has ability to impact the health, safety and welfare of the occupant. Resilience isn’t just about new building construction; principles of resilient design can be applied to commercial interiors projects from the real estate search, through design, and continuing into turnover and operations. Jon Penndorf, FAIA, LEED AP BD+C, Fitwel, RELi AP (Perkins and Will, Washington DC) will introduce participants to resilience and its application to the interiors market, including how the current state of design, construction, and real estate can be impacted by a focus on responsible, adaptive design.

Click here register through Zoom

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will engage in a working definition of resilient design, and how crisis events can impact the commercial interiors market.
  • Attendees will learn the differences between shocks and stressors, and how design may evolve based on the site-specific risks a project can expect.
  • Participants will gain insight into the tools available to the designer to gather information on climatic risk, and how to apply that information to the project.
  • Attendees will understand strategies for resilient design of interior spaces, learning how some may overlap with sustainability and wellbeing applications.

  Two articles by Jon Penndorf:

“Preparing for the Unexpected: 5 Considerations for a Changing Climate” 

“A Culture of Curiosity: Highlights from Firmwide Innovation Week” 

Hosted By

Interior Architecture KC

Learning Units


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Non Member Price
