Tuesday / April 26, 2016 / 12:15 PM - 5:00 PM

The Rise of the Urban Hospital: High Rise Healthcare Facilities for the 21st Century

Harris Bank Building, 115 South LaSalle Street, 3rd floor auditorium

Healthcare facilities are among the most complex building types to plan, design, construct and operate; and therefore they confront owners, design professionals and builders with a variety of intense and dynamic challenges. Unique concerns permeate the design and planning process – they coalesce to create a complex design and construction project of the highest magnitude. Chicago is an international leader for the planning, design, construction and operation of high rise office and residential towers. What is less well known is that in the last several decades, Chicago has become one of the foremost leaders in high-rise healthcare facilities and is home to several of the tallest healthcare facilities in the world. Local design and construction professionals have had significant roles in the completion of several others around the globe. The continued urbanization of developed and industrializing nations, as well as an increasing focus on healthcare, makes these one of the most dynamic high rise building types.

The Chicago Committee on High Rise Buildings (CCHRB) has prepared a deeply informative and entertaining seminar to facilitate a discussion and as a catalyst for further research into the challenges of High Rise Healthcare Facilities. This half-day seminar will provide an informative overview of the major issues that challenge project designers, constructors and healthcare administrators for major high rise healthcare facilities, and will review some of the responses to those challenges by leaders in the design, construction and healthcare facilities community.

Click here for full details and to register with CCHRB.

 Bring a photo ID and allow adequate time to go through Building Security. Registration begins at 12:15 pm and the program will start promptly at 1:00 pm, concluding at 5:00 pm. A refreshment break is included.

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