Thursday / September 11, 2014 / 6:15 PM - 9:00 PM

Tour & Social - Goettsch Partners & The Gage

224 South Michigan Avenue, #1700

Register at the YAF Meetup page to attend this event.

YAF along with AIA Chicago will be given a special tour of Goettsch Partners. Please arrive promptly at 6:15 pm to 224 South Michigan Avenue. Employees from their office will meet us in the lobby in order to escort us to their space on the 17th floor. A guided tour and presentation will follow.

Afterward, join us for drinks at The Gage, 24 South Michigan Avenue, where space near the bar has been reserved for our group. Those unable to attend the office tour are encouraged to arrive at The Gage around 7:15 pm. 

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YAF, Black Spectacles

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