Tuesday / January 10, 2017 / 5:45 PM - 8:00 PM

YAF Tour & Social: Charnley-Persky House

Charnley-Persky House, 1365 North Astor Street, Chicago

AIA Chicago’s Young Architects Forum (YAF) has been given an exciting opportunity to tour the historic Charnley-Persky House, national headquarters of the Society of Architectural Historians, at a discounted rate. Designed by Louis Sullivan with assistance from his junior draftsman, Frank Lloyd Wright, in 1891, the Charnley-Persky House is recognized as a pivotal work of modern American architecture. The house is located in Chicago's Gold Coast neighborhood just north of downtown. The cost to tour the house is typically $10; the discounted YAF tour fee is only $5 (pay on site).


  - Arrive promptly BY 5:45 pm.

  - Tour is limited to 30 attendees. CLICK HERE TO Register at the YAF Meetup page, but please only RSVP if you ACTUALLY plan to attend.

  - Afterwards (around 7:15pm), join us for drinks at Old Town Pour House located at 1419 North Wells Street.

The AIA Chicago Young Architects Forum (YAF) is an informal group of architects, design professionals and students who are interested in furthering the discussion of design, professional development, community, and collaboration. If you are a "young" (licensed 10 years or fewer) architect, join us for intriguing educational & social events! For updates, subscribe to our Meetup page.

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Young Architects Forum and SAH

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